As to everyone who does look at my website, I do my own work, i can't change a header that weebly supplies...there is no way to edit it with my own photo. I take my own photographs, and edit all my work myself. My prices are so much lower than most people b ecause I am a photographer that loves what I do!! I'm not in it to make big bucks like alot of photographers out there! Plus, I guarantee ALL my work.
Well, to the lady who said the header is not my own photo...thats because it is a header that is made for you to show the type of photography. it is one of the web pages they offer you to use....I can't change the header!! as for the other photos, I use all my own work!! maybe you just can't believe how good I can take photos for the price I charge. How about instead of blaming some one, you ask questions first!!! As for all the photos I am up loading in the next couple days...they are ALL MY PHOTOS!! I